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Dear friends and colleagues,

Riga Aeronautical Institute invites you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference “TRANSPORT, EDUCATION, LOGISTICS AND ENGINEERING – 2025”. The conference will be convened during the 27th and 28th of June 2025.

The aim of the conference is to discuss a wide range of questions and current problems in the field of transport systems, facilitate the exchange of information and experience regarding the best scientific and practical research practices as well as development processes in the priority industry areas. The range of discussion subjects also includes cooperation for the development of joint scientific research programs.

Aviation systems and technologies. Service and application.
Air Traffic Management.
Management of transport systems.
Integrated risk management: innovative systems of management. 
Transport logistics. Economy. Marketing.
Lean production in logistics.
Innovative development of aviation transport technologies.
Information technologies. Cybersecurity.
Mechatronics and Robotics
Airplanes and aerodynamics. Aircraft structure reliability and strength.
Unmanned aerial vehicles.
Composite materials and technologies in aircraft industry.
Environmental ecology and safety.
Transport safety, risks and human factor.
Sustainability and the use of renewable energy in transport.
Synergy of higher education and specialized courses, within the framework of licensing and certification of specialists
New trends in higher education, STEM model.