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The study direction "Mechanics" includes two bachelor's study programs and one master's level study program.

A bachelor's program "Air transport systems management and operation" is offered to future pilots.

We train both airplane pilots and helicopter pilots. Our flight training program includes the following license types:

Private pilot's license for airplane and helicopter pilots (PPL);
Commercial pilot license for airplane and helicopter pilots CPL/ATPL).

Pilots who are already licensed may complete only the academic portion of the program leading to a bachelor's degree.

The second profession, which every year is more and more in demand by air carriers, is the profession of an aircraft mechanic. The aim of the bachelor's program "Aircraft technical maintenance" is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire the theoretical knowledge and practical skills that would allow them to perform the maintenance, operation and repair of aircraft.

Upon completion of both mentioned bachelor's programs, it is possible to continue studies in the master's program "Transport Systems Management".