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In scope of scientific and practical conference organized by RAI the students will present the results of their scientific research in the field of international transport services : challenges and trends in the spheres of aircraft technical maintenance management, logistics organization and planning, including safety issues of different types of transport technologies and innovations in engineer sciences.

Purpose of the conference

To convene a discussion on the application of innovative and prospective management methods for aircraft technical maintenance, engineering equipment as well as research in logistics and international transport.

Conference topics 

1. Digitalization in science, education and industry: flexible neural networks, generated artificial intelligence, RISC-V and cloud technologies.

2. Trends and innovations in the transport industry: automation, Flexible logistics, Lean manufacturing logistics, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial intelligence, Digital twins, Blockchain, on-demand warehousing, autonomous transport.

3. Innovative methods for planning and organizing of international transportation.

4. Strategic management challenges and solutions in the transport industry.

5. Transport logistics. Economics. Marketing.

6. The problem of truck driver shortage in Europe.

7. Analysis and development of the "Rail Baltica" railway infrastructure project.

8. Logistics systems and supply chains in the context of globalization.

9. Traffic flow modelling and improvement.

10. Transport process management systems.

11. Modern concepts of integrated approaches to continuous risk management.

12. Transport safety, risks, and  human factor.

13. Analysis of financial and economic activities of transport companies in modern conditions.

14. Innovative development of aviation transport technologies.

15. Innovations in green technology: green architecture, new energy generators, EVs, energy storage devices, hydrogen.

16. Aircrafts and aerodynamics. Structural strength and safety.

17. Flight safety and  human factor in aviation.

18. Technical operation of aircraft.

19. Aircraft design and advanced materials.

20. Engineering solutions for future transportation.

21. FPV, BVLOS drone design and development.

22. Analysis of hydrogen engine use prospects.

23. Prospects for hybrid and electric motors in aviation.

24. Development trends in innovative air traffic management technologies.

25. Direct hydrogen combustion in aero engines.

26. Multi-MW fuel cell propulsion systems for hydrogen-powered aircraft.

27. Sustainability and use of renewable energy resources in transport.

28. Information technology. Cybersecurity.

29. Mechatronics and robotics.

30. Electrical energy transmission systems based on optical fiber lines for communication network construction.

The work of the conference will be organized in the following sections:

Section I Transport. Logistics. (section leader K. Savenkovs, I. Petuhovs,).

Section II Engineering. (section leader V. Reiskarts, K. Nechval).

Working languages of the conference: Latvian, English.

Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee: Dr. oec. K. Savenkovs 

Members of the Conference Organizing Committee:

Dr. sc.comp. V. Reiskarts

Dr. sc. ing. K. Nechval

Dr. sc. ing. I. Petuhov

I. Geža

Members of the Scientific Committee:

Dr. sc. ing. A. Melnis 

Dr. sc. ing. I. Arandas

Dr. oec. K. Savenkovs

Dr  sc.comp. V. Reiskarts

Dr. sc. ing. D. Ulanovs

Dr. sc. ing. K. Nechval

Dr. sc. ing. I. Petuhov

Dr. sc. ing. V. Orehovs

Dr. sc. ing. J. Mingalev 


Deadline for the submission of the publication

A publication (in the amount of 2-3 pages) in Latvian or English, presented in accordance with the appropriate requirements, shall be submitted in electronic form by the 16th of January 2025, by uploading it to a folder (submission of publication).

Requirements for drawing up publication 

Publication structure:

• Name of author and co-author (12 pt, Bold), e.g.:

Janis Berzins, Peter Kalnins ((scientific supervisor)

• The applicant institution (12 pt, Normal),

• Publication title (14 pt, Bold, All Caps),

• A summary of 200 characters in the language of the publication and in English (12 pt, Italic),

• Publication text: introduction, purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusions (12 pt, Normal),

• Literature List (10 pt, Normal)

Design requirements: publication size is from 2 to 3 pages The publication shall be prepared in A4 format, in one column and according to the following parameters: distance from top, bottom, right edge and left edge – 2,5 cm, text editor – Word, script – Times New Roman, letter size – 12 pt, row spacing – 1. Each paragraph starts with a indent of 1.5 cm. Pages, tables, drawings, etc. are numbered. It is obligatory to make a reference to the sources which were used for the publication. It is necessary to indicate the number of the source from the list and also the page number from the source itself, using the square brackets e.g. [1, p. 15].

The literature sources in the literature list are numbered according to the order in which they are included in the publication text. The literature sources shall be presented in the exact order indicated in the sample, the source page or the pages used by the author of the publication shall be indicated. If the author has not used a specific citation, the total number of pages of the source shall be indicated. The literature list contains only those sources which the publication author has referred to in the publication's text.


1. Dimmock C., Walker A. (2000) Developing Comparative and International Educational Leadership and Management А cross - Cultural Model. School Leadership and Management (20), p. 143-160

2. Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology (1998) Helms S., Schneider r., (Ed) Berlin: De Gryter, 800 p.

3. Lifelong learning policy guidelines for 2007/2013. (2007) [online] Cabinet Order No. 111 of 23 February 2007 [see 12.12.2013] Available:


10:55 Registration

11:00-14:00 Work in parallel sections

14:00-14:20 Break

14:20-17:00 Work in parallel sections